Ever wondered if a simple game could deepen your connection with your partner? "The Love Game: 36 Questions For Falling in Love" promises just that. This game, rooted in psychological research, aims to fast-track intimacy through a set of thought-provoking questions. Here’s the lowdown on how it works, its pros and cons, and why it's a must-try for couples seeking to ignite or rekindle their spark.

What is The Love Game?

It's a game designed around 36 carefully curated questions that gradually increase in intimacy. Originally developed by psychologists, these questions are intended to accelerate the feeling of intimacy between two people, potentially leading to deeper, more meaningful connections.

How to Play?

The essence is simple: partners take turns answering each question, diving deeper into personal territories as the game progresses. It's recommended to complete the questions in one sitting, ideally in a quiet, private space where both participants feel comfortable to share openly.

  • Number of Players: This game is perfect for two, making it an intimate experience for couples looking to explore their feelings and learn more about each other.
  • Duration: Typically, the game can be played over an hour or two, depending on the depth of conversation each question sparks.

Pros & Cons


  • Builds Intimacy Quickly: Designed to break down barriers and foster a closer bond.
  • Encourages Open Communication: Provides a structured way for couples to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Versatile: Great for new couples exploring compatibility and long-term partners seeking to deepen their connection.


  • May Feel Intense for Some: The depth of questions might be overwhelming for individuals not used to opening up.
  • Not a "Fix-All" Solution: While effective in creating moments of intimacy, it doesn’t replace ongoing, open communication in a relationship.

Why We Love It

There’s something magical about discovering layers of your partner's personality and experiences that you might never have uncovered otherwise. It's not just about falling in love, but also about deepening the love that already exists.

Tip to Make the Game Even More Fun:

Create a cozy, distraction-free environment. Light some candles, play soft music, and ensure you won’t be interrupted to make the experience as enjoyable and profound as possible.

What Customer Reviews Say:

Feedback varies, with many appreciating the depth of connection the game facilitated, while others found it an intriguing way to spark conversation without necessarily leading to love​​​​.

Our Score: 8/10

The Love Game: 36 Questions For Falling in Love" is a beautifully simple yet profound way to enhance intimacy and understanding between partners. While not every pair will fall madly in love by the final question, the journey through these questions is bound to bring you closer.

Curious to give it a try with your significant other? Explore this game and others on our site that promise to bring fun, laughter, and love into your relationship. Visit our homepage for more ideas on games that bring couples together.