What the Game is

Scrawl is an adult party game where players create absurd and often hilarious drawings based on ridiculous prompts. The worse you are at drawing, the more fun the game becomes. It's essentially a game of telephone but with doodles, making it a blast for groups who enjoy a good laugh over some truly disastrous artwork.

How to Play the Game

To play Scrawl, each player starts with a prompt card, draws their interpretation of it, and passes their drawing to the next player. This next player writes down what they think the drawing is and passes it on. This continues until the drawings and descriptions make a full round, often evolving into something completely unexpected and funny. The game ends with players sharing the bizarre transformations of their original drawings and phrases.

How Many Players Can Play

Scrawl is designed for 4 to 8 players, making it ideal for double dates or small gatherings.

How Long the Game Lasts

Each round of Scrawl takes about 30 minutes, but the total playing time can vary depending on the number of players and rounds you decide to play.

Pros of the Game

  • Hilariously Entertaining: Scrawl's main appeal is how it turns poor drawing skills into laughter.
  • Great Ice-Breaker: It's perfect for getting everyone relaxed and talking.
  • Simple Rules: The game is easy to learn and explain, so you can start playing quickly.

Cons of the Game

  • No Timer Included: Some might wish for a timer to keep the game pace lively.
  • Subjective Scoring: The scoring can be influenced by players' biases towards funny or clever entries.

Why We Love the Game

Scrawl is a favorite because it encourages creativity, laughter, and light-hearted competition. It's not about being a good artist; it's about how wildly your drawings and interpretations can veer off course, which is where the fun lies.

Tips to Make the Game Even More Fun

  • Themes: Introduce themes for each round to guide the absurdity in a particular direction.
  • Rewards: Have small, funny rewards for the "best" and "worst" drawings to encourage more outrageous attempts.

What Customer Reviews Say

Players often highlight how Scrawl is an excellent game for parties, praising its ability to get people laughing and bonding over terrible drawings and wild guesses. It's recommended for those who aren't easily offended and love a bit of chaotic fun.

Our Score (out of 10)

We give Scrawl an 8 out of 10. It's a fantastic game that delivers on its promise of laughter and ludicrous fun, though the lack of a timer and subjective scoring might not appeal to everyone.

To explore this game further or get your own, visit Scrawl. And don't forget to check out our other game suggestions for your next game night!